
Different Industries in the United States

How do people make money?



After learning about different areas of the United States, you may have noticed that different regions specialize in different industries that allow people to earn a living. For example, in Detroit, Michigan, the automobile industry is a major source of jobs for people living in that area. The lumber industry is one of the industries on the northwestern coast of the United States. The types of industry in each region can also be largely due to the type of climate in the region as well as resources of the region.

There are different types of industry. The manufacturing industry deals with making things such as cars, technology products, clothing, etc. The agricultural industry deals with everything related to growing and selling food. There is also the service industry, which specializes in providing services to people with businesses such as hair salons, restaurants, and stores.

Some of the industries that are special to different regions have been around a long time. Some are newer industries. Many technologies have evolved throughout United States history that have helped with making mass production easier. Mass production allows industry to make more things in less amount of time. Another thing that has played a role in the efficiency of industry is specialization, which is when people focus and learn one skill to perfect and work in that skill area. Division of labor is another factor that has helped industry. This is basically dividing jobs up and having people work in those particular jobs.

Think about the different industries you have learned about in this course. How have they changed? How has the agricultural industry changed? What types of industry do different regions specialize in? How has industry changed the American way of life?