
Earning a Living Journal

How do people living in different regions earn a living?




Research how people earn a living in your region of the United States. What type of industry is your area known for? How long have the industries you researched been a part of your region? How have those industries changed? How have they affected life in your region? Compare your region to a different area of the United States. Write about your findings in your journal. Include the following key information:

  • What are the major types of industry, both manufacturing and agricultural, in your region of the United States?
  • What are the major types of industry, both manufacturing and agricultural, in another region of the United States? You can choose the region.
  • How have the manufacturing and agricultural industries changed in your region over time?
  • How has the industry you researched impacted the American way of life?
  • What impact does the industry you researched have on the economy?

You will submit your journal at the end of each module. Make sure you keep the journal up-to-date and ready to turn in when prompted. Your journal will be graded using the rubric below.


10 points Student created an entry that includes all parts of the prompt in a clear manner.


2 points Student provided thoughtful responses with opinions included.


1 point Student used correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.