
States in the South Atlantic

What states make up this region?



Moving farther south, you have now arrived in the South Atlantic region. This area contains the states of Maryland, Delaware, West Virginia, Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida.

South AtlanticThe climate in this region varies considerably from state to state. In the north it is similar to the Northeast region, but it is quite different, particularly in the southernmost states.

Why do so many people choose to spend their winters in Florida? That's right! Because it is warm!

The South Atlantic region is a very diverse area. During this lesson you will visit our nation’s capital, explore a world-famous hiking trail that runs the length of the country from Maine to Georgia, listen to some traditional southern music, take a rafting trip down a river, and look for alligators in the Everglades. Then you will finally end your travels by relaxing on the beach in Miami!