
How can warming up and cooling down help keep you safe during exercise?
Watch the video below to learn more about the importance of warming up and cooling down.
Warm Up and Cool Down
Exercise helps you to stay healthy. You should always be safe when you exercise.
A warm up and cool down are important parts of exercising safely.
A warm-up is when you get your body, blood and muscles warm.
It is easier to get hurt when your body is cold.
A warm-up gets your body and mind ready for exercise.
A warm-up should be an easy exercise, like jogging.
You should warm-up for about 5-10 minutes and get your heart beating faster.
After you are warmed up, you are ready to have fun getting fit.
After you are done exercising, you need to cool down your body.
A cool down is an easy activity after you are done exercising.
You can jog or walk to cool down.
Cooling down helps your heart to pump your blood where it should be.
Stretching is a very important part a cool down.
You should always stretch after you exercise. Stretching your warm muscles will help you to be more flexible.
Every time you exercise you should start with a warm-up.
After you exercise, you should always have a cool down.
Why is it important to warm up before exercising?
It’s easier to get hurt when your body is cold.