Introduction to Components of Fitness

What are the 5 areas of fitness that I must work on to be my healthiest?
Watch the video below to learn more about the five components of fitness and how they benefit your health.
Components of Fitness
Physical fitness helps you to be healthy and strong. Anytime you are moving, you are getting physically fit.
There are five parts to being physically fit.
It is important to work on all of these areas when you exercise.
- Cardio fitness
- Muscle strength
- Muscle endurance
- Flexibility
- Body composition
- Cardio Fitness
- Cardio means “heart.” Can you feel your heart beating faster when you ride your bike?
- This means you are practicing cardio fitness. You practice cardio fitness when your body is moving constantly.
- Some good ways to get cardio exercise are:
- running
- biking
- swimming
- As your heart and lungs get stronger, exercise will get easier. This means you are getting more fit.
- Muscle Strength
- Can you pick up heavy things off the ground? This means that you have muscle strength.
- Muscle strength is how strong your muscles are. As you grow, your muscles will get stronger. You can help them get stronger by picking up heavy things.
- Other activities that strengthen your muscles are:
- push-ups
- sit-ups
- standing on your toes
- Muscle Endurance
- Do your legs feel tired after you ride a bike for a long time? This means that you have been practicing muscle endurance.
- Muscle endurance is how long your muscles can work before they get tired.
- Cardio activities can also build muscle endurance.
- Some other good activities for muscle endurance are:
- going across the monkey bars
- playing jump rope
- tumbling
- Flexibility
- Can you reach down and touch your toes? This means that you are flexible.
- Flexibility is how far you can bend and reach. When you are flexible, you are less likely to get hurt when you exercise.
- It is important to stretch every time you exercise.
- Body Composition
- Body composition is how much of your body is made of fat and muscle.
- Two people can weigh the same but have different body compositions. One person might have more muscle or more fat than the other. It is good to have some fat on your body, but too much fat is bad.
- When you exercise and eat healthy, you will have a good body composition.
The best way to improve all the components of fitness is to do a variety of activities.
Don’t be afraid to try new things. You might just find your new favorite activity.
You can get healthier when you work on all the components of fitness.
How many components of fitness are there?
There are 5 components of fitness.