As the techniques and technology that created the Late Modern movement evolved, there was an increase in experimentation and designer freedom. The Post Modern designers blended historical techniques with developing technology to create new and inventive design styles.
The Post-Modern style is defined by the movement created by geometric designs, type placement, and incomplete images. This style isn’t unified by a particular rule or standard; but instead based on a gleeful recycling and reinvention of all styles that came before. The distinction between high and low art was thrown out, as Post Modernists began to loosen the definition of art and create a style almost without rules.
As technology developed, the flexibility of the Post-Modern designer grew. Designers embraced the freedom they now had with numerous fonts and typographic styling. Images could now be cropped and scaled in any form the designer desired to create dynamic layouts. The connecting attribute in the Post-Modern digital age was the freedom from the previous limitations.