
How did the desegregation efforts in Little Rock and Greensboro compare to each other?

Efforts to desegregate schools in Little Rock, Arkansas and restaurants in Greensboro, North Carolina were two of the many actions of the Civil Rights Movement.

Click the Activity button below to access the Two Efforts, One Goal worksheet that will help you compare the bravery of the four college students who started the Greensboro Sit-Ins to the struggles of the Little Rock Nine.

When you are finished with the worksheet, submit it to your teacher. Then answer the following questions.

Why were the Greensboro Sit-Ins successful?

Why were nonviolent protests like sit-ins so accessible and empowering?

Your Responses Sample Answers
  The sit-ins severely impacted the affected businesses' ability to earn money, and violently removing the protesters hurt business even more. The only solution left was to give the protesters what they wanted.
  All sit-ins required were the patience to sit in one spot for hours and the bravery to endure the abuse of employees and pro-segregationist crowds.