

Today, scientists have built upon Ebbinghaus’s work and know much more about how the brain transforms a new memory into one that lasts. They have found that not all memories are the same.  Some memories, called non-declarative memories, do not exist in your conscious mind.  For instance, without consciously thinking about each movement, you can stand, walk, or ride a bike.  Non-declarative memories include the many things you seem to do naturally.

Other memories, declarative memories, exist clearly in the conscious mind. You actively recall these thoughts, events, ideas or information.  Declarative memories include everything from the names of your family and friends, to the concepts and formulas you learn in math.  They are those memories you can declare—that is, that you can recall and express. 

Declarative memory is processed through four stages:

  • Encoding: converting information into a form that it can be stored in the brain and later retrieved
  • Storing: retaining memories in your brain for later retrieval
  • Retrieving: recalling memories from storage
  • Forgetting: losing memories that have been encoded and stored for even a short period of time

Cognitive learning relies heavily on declarative memory, which you will focus on in this course.  You will explore and develop study strategies and skills that build your declarative memory and improve your ability to recall and use the facts, concepts, and ideas you learn in your other courses.

Reciting the names of all United States presidents demonstrates what kind of memory?

  1. long term
  2. declarative
  3. short-term
  4. non-declarative

Reciting a list demonstrates declarative memory.

Reciting a list demonstrates declarative memory.

Reciting a list demonstrates declarative memory.

Reciting a list demonstrates declarative memory.

Riding a bike represents what kind of memory?

  1. long-term
  2. declarative
  3. short-term
  4. non-declarative

Riding a bike represents non-declarative memory.

Riding a bike represents non-declarative memory.

Riding a bike represents non-declarative memory.

Riding a bike represents non-declarative memory.

Memories of facts and events represent what kinds of memory?

  1. long-term
  2. declarative
  3. short-term
  4. non-declarative

Recalling facts and events represents declarative memory.

Recalling facts and events represents declarative memory.

Recalling facts and events represents declarative memory.

Recalling facts and events represents declarative memory.

Which of the following describes personal skills that help you decide how to take care of yourself and develop a growing independence?

  1. conscious learning
  2. effective learning
  3. cognitive learning
  4. coherent learning

Declarative memory is strongly connected to cognitive learning.

Declarative memory is strongly connected to cognitive learning.

Declarative memory is strongly connected to cognitive learning.

Declarative memory is strongly connected to cognitive learning.

Declarative memories are demonstrated by the kind of conscious recall that academic learning requires.

  1. True
  2. False

Academic learning requires that you consciously recall learned information.

Academic learning requires that you consciously recall learned information.


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