

For learning to occur, you must store the memories your brain encodes.  The neurons in your cerebral cortex gather the new information which it then sends as impulses through neural pathways you learned about in Lesson 1.2.  Those pathways reach all the way to the hippocampus, which is located deep within the temporal lobe and is the area of the brain that helps regulates emotions and memories.

The hippocampus receives your new memories and sends them back to the cortex, the outer layer of your brain. When you remember and repeat those memories, they pass through the hippocampus several times.  This process strengthens all of the associations between the reference points that are created during complex encoding.  As the associations are strengthened, they become memories.

Without the processing by the hippocampus, you would have no memory at all; the events of each day would be lost. Without it, you would not remember your family, your name, or even recognize your own image in the mirror.  The memory of your new experiences would last for a few moments but never long enough to become a lasting memory. 

Emotions and memories are regulated by what part of the brain?

  1. frontal lobe
  2. cerebral cortex
  3. hypothalamus
  4. hippocampus

The hippocampus regulates emotions and memories.

The hippocampus regulates emotions and memories.

The hippocampus regulates emotions and memories.

The hippocampus regulates emotions and memories.

If your hippocampus was removed at age 16, you would recognize yourself in the mirror at age 60.

  1. True
  2. False

You would only remember yourself as you looked at 16, because once the was removed, no new memories could be stored.

You would only remember yourself as you looked at 16, because once the was removed, no new memories could be stored.

What does the hippocampus do?

  1. regulates new memories
  2. stores academic information
  3. it occupies the largest part of your brain.
  4. is where long term memories are stored

The hippocampus regulates new memories.

The hippocampus regulates new memories.

The hippocampus regulates new memories.

The hippocampus regulates new memories.

What are the branching extensions off of neurons that reach to your hippocampus called?

  1. roots
  2. dendrites
  3. synapses
  4. pathways

Dendrites are the branching extensions off of neurons.

Dendrites are the branching extensions off of neurons.

Dendrites are the branching extensions off of neurons.

Dendrites are the branching extensions off of neurons.


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