

Next you will recall a list that after using more complexity in encoding. In this activity, you will view another list of words. 

As you look at each word, think about things you associate with each word and then mentally rate each word based on how much or little you like that particular word. 

Use the scale below to rate each word:

    My feeling/interest  Rating 
    I like this word very much.
    I like this word pretty well.
    I don’t like or dislike this word.
    I don’t like this word very much.
    I do not like this word.

For example, if you read the word book, you will think something that you associate with a book. You might visualize a big book on a shelf, a little book in your pocket, a library full of books, or your text book in your back pack. After thinking about the word in this and other ways, look at the scale provided above and printed at the bottom of your 1.3 Complex Encoding form and decide how much you do or do not like the word.

After you have finished mentally rating all of the words on the list,  return to your 1.3 Complex Encoding form and without reviewing the words again, write the list of words you just rated.

The list of words will appear five seconds after you click on the play arrow. When you are ready, click below to get started.