California's Economy
What is the economy of California like?
California's economy is one of the largest in the United States. In fact, it is one of the largest in the world. Why is this? California has a strong agriculture, science and technology, trade, media, and tourism industry. Think about where California is located. It is a coastal state with hundreds of miles of ocean access, which is a major gateway for trade. Seaports are located up and down the coast in most metropolitan cities. This means resources can easily be shipped in and out of the state.

With a mild climate, long growing season, and good soil, California's agriculture industry provides the U.S. and other countries with dairy products, fruits, vegetables, and nuts. Shipping products coast to coast by truck, train, boat, and plane helps make California's economy strong.
This state is also a hub for technology. Big technology companies help keep communication systems strong in California and throughout the country.

Would California be a big economic influencer without a strong transportation and communication system? No. Having the ability to communicate and transport goods quickly is important for an economy to grow. California is an example of how strong, well-organized communication and transportation systems lead to powerful economies.
Why is California a good state for trade?
It has many seaports.