Transportation and Communication
How do transportation and communication help businesses?
Study the tabs below to learn more about transportation and communication.
Transportation is the process of moving people or goods from one place to another. How do you get from point A to point B?

There are different modes of transportation. Walking, biking, and riding are three modes. But you can also ride in a car, a truck, a boat, a plane, or a train. All of these methods are used to move both people and goods from one place to another.

Why is transportation important to a nation's economy? Transportation supports an economy by providing jobs, increasing productivity, decreasing travel time, and reducing costs.
Road improvements decrease employee travel time and delivery time of goods. People become more productive at work because they spend less time traveling and more time working. This also helps delivery drivers deliver goods faster. They can deliver more in a day, which can lower transportation costs while improving productivity and profitability.
Areas with better transportation become more popular, meaning more people want to live there. (Would you like to live in an area where you can quickly and easily walk, bike, or drive to restaurants, shops, and parks?)
New railways, subways, and metro lines also attract new developments for both residential (homes) and commercial (business) properties. This new development, in turn, attracts more people. More people means more options for people to earn and spend money.

Transportation can create more jobs, lower the cost of goods, increase productivity, and open new markets for business, which has a positive impact on the economy.
Communication is the process of sending and receiving messages. It is the exchange of thoughts, messages, or information through speaking, writing, signs, symbols, or behaviors.
How do you talk to people? People communicate using phones, mail, televisions, computers, and radio.

Communication makes it easy for people to interact with others. They can persuade, inform, and educate people about important information. Economic development depends on information and communication that is available to everyone. Although new ways to communicate are constantly being developed, the old methods are still in use, too. Because of this, people from every age group can understand what is being communicated.

Old way = Paper mail

New way = social media
Have you ever watched the news on television? The reporters choose the information they are communicating for a reason. Whether it is to inform, persuade, or educate, communication is important to keep the world connected.

Communication is also important to businesses and government.
- Imagine that a police officer is at a car wreck and needs an ambulance. What would he or she do without communication?
- How could a new business attract customers without communication? People use advertisements, signs, commercials, and social media messages to grow their businesses.
- How could businesses ship and receive products without communicating routes, times, and schedules?
Communication plays a large role in economic growth. Different ways to communicate messages will continue to give people information faster and more efficiently.
In this lesson, you will look at how transportation and communication are used in some states.