
Activity: Social Media Profile

What if the early explorers were on social media? What would their profile pages look like?



Hand holding a phone with a social media profile.

You have learned about some famous explorers that came to America from Europe. Choose one of those explorers and create a social media profile page for him. Fill in the boxes in the activity below, using information you have learned about the explorer. Then add what you think he may have said to create his own social media profile.

When you are finished, submit your assignment to your teacher with your Weekly Written Work.

You will be graded using this rubric.

Estatic Asian girl.

4 points

Happy African American boy.

3 points
Good work!

Smiling red haired girl.

2 points
Could do better.

Mad little boy.

1 point
Need to improve.

You completed your Social Studies work.

Most of your Social Studies work is complete.

Some of your Social Studies work is incomplete.

Most of your Social Studies work is incomplete.

Your work is done correctly.

Most of your Social Studies work is done correctly.

Some of your Social Studies work is done incorrectly.

Most of your Social Studies work is done incorrectly.

Your work is neat and tidy.

Your work is mostly neat and tidy.

Some of your work is neat and tidy.

Most of your work is not neat and tidy.

You put your best effort into your Social Studies work.

You put a good effort into your Social Studies work.

You put some effort into your Social Studies work.

You put little effort into your Social Studies work.