Horizontal Tab Set
What is a horizontal tab set? How can I use one?
A tab set consists of separate sections or “chunks” of instruction that students access by clicking labeled “tabs”. Clicking a tab changes the content that students can see within the tab set area.
There are two types of tab sets used in Accelerate lessons--the horizontal tab set and the vertical tab set. Both forms work in the same way. The only difference is the location of the tabs: the tabs in a horizontal tab set appear across the top while the tabs in a vertical tab set are arranged down the left side.
The text that appears above a tab set should direct students’ attention to the tab set and also tell them what the tab set is meant to illustrate or show them.
Math Sample
The students in Mrs. Martin’s math class are trying to figure out how many of each type of social media post she made last month. They could use any one of the methods you have learned so far for solving this type of problem. No matter which method the students use, their first steps will be the same. Click each tab to see these steps.
Identify the variables
The first step is to figure out what the question is asking for and assign a variable to each unknown. What three things are we looking for? Let’s represent them using the variables x, y and z.
We want to find how many Facebooks posts she made. We’ll call this x. |
We want to find how many Twitter posts she made. We’ll call this y. |
We want to find how many Instagram posts she made. We’ll call this z. |
Translate each fact to an algebraic equation.
Next, we need to take the three facts we know and translate them into algebraic equations using the variables assigned in the first step. Click each sentence in column 1 to see it represented as an equation in column 2.
We can write this as the equation: |
We can write this as the equation: |
We can write this as the equation: |
Sample Formatting
How was this content formatted so that we can develop the content correctly?
[insert tab set]
[tab 1] Step 1
Identify the variables
The first step is to figure out what the question is asking
for and assign a variable to each unknown. What three things
are we looking for? Let’s represent them using the variables
x, y and z.
[Insert as highlight table]
[row1] We want to find how many Facebooks
posts she made. We’ll call this x.
[row2] We want to find how many Twitter
posts she made. We’ll call this y.
[row3] We want to find how many Instagram
posts she made. We’ll call this z.
[End highlight table]
[tab 2] Step 2
Translate each fact to an algebraic equation.
Next, we need to take the three facts we know and translate
them into algebraic equations using the variables assigned
in the first step. Click each sentence in column 1 to see it
represented as an equation in column 2.
[Insert as interactive table--when student clicks text in
column 1, text in column 2 should appear]
row 1, column 1: Last month, she made a
total of 100 posts to Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.
row 1, column 2: We can write this as the
equation x + y + z = 100.
row 2, column 1: The number of Facebook
posts plus Instagram posts equals the total number of
Twitter posts.
row 2, column 2: We can write this as the
equation x + z = y.
row 3, column 1: And four times the number
of Facebook posts, plus three times the number of Twitter
posts, plus two times the number of Instagram posts equals
row 3 column 2: We can write this as the
equation 4x + 3y + 2z = 320.
[End interactive table]
[end tab set]
Tab sets can be used in all subject areas to divide content across 2-5 small sections instead of presenting the content as one long scrolling page. Tab sets are particularly useful for "chunking" content into categories, steps, or examples of a concept if students will be asked to compare and/or contrast examples. (For illustrating steps in a process, a tab set can be more appropriate than a slide show if the steps are longer or more complicated than what would easily fit in a slide show--or if students will be practicing each step once it is presented.) Tab sets typically include one image and some text per section, with the image appearing to the right or left of the text.
Social Studies |
View Example |
Math |
View Example |
Language Arts |
View Example |
Customizable Content
Below are the suggested specifications for using images and interactive components within this interactive.
Optimization |
Nested Interactives? |
Yes! The following
interactive(s) can be used insidse a horizontal tab set.
Audio/Video? |
Yes! Audio and video can be used inside each tab content section. |
Note: Interactive requests are subject to change, based on content type, image size and usability.
Formatting Template
To use a tab set in one of your lessons, copy and paste the text shown below, and replace the placeholder text with your own.
[insert tab set]
[tab 1] Tab1 Title
[tab 2] Tab2 Title
[end tab set]