
You've probably gotten pretty familiar with inscribed and circumscribed angles now.

Do you think that you can tell the difference between circumscribed and inscribed angles on your own? Let's put your knowledge to the test. In this activity below, choose the correct category: either inscribed or circumscribed.

Is this angle inscribed or circumscribed?


  1. inscribed
  2. circumscribed



Is this angle inscribed or circumscribed?


  1. inscribed
  2. circumscribed



Is this angle inscribed or circumscribed?


  1. inscribed
  2. circumscribed



Is this angle inscribed or circumscribed?


  1. inscribed
  2. circumscribed



Is this angle inscribed or circumscribed?


  1. inscribed
  2. circumscribed




Questions answered correctly:

Questions answered incorrectly:


You read earlier that certain theorems could be used depending on whether you had an inscribed angle or a circumscribed angle. In the coming pages, we will look at an important theorem that applies to inscribed angles. Can you guess what this theorem is called?

You guessed it: The Inscribed Angle Theorem.