
Below you will find a summary of the first ten amendments.

Primary Source

The information on this page is a paraphrase of the Bill of Rights. Please go to the following website to read the primary source and learn more about the Bill of Rights.


Bill of Rights Transcript

Amendment 1
Freedom of Religion, Speech and Press. The right to assemble and the right to petition the government.

Amendment 2
The right to bear arms.

Amendment 3
Protection against housing soldiers without consent during peacetime.

Amendment 4
Freedom from search and seizure without proper cause.

Amendment 5
Freedom from having to give incriminating testimony against oneself.

Amendment 6
The right to a speedy trial.

Amendment 7
The right to a trial by jury.

Amendment 8
Freedom from excessive punishment.

Amendment 9
Further rights of the people.

Amendment 10
Powers reserved to the states and to the people.