
Climate Change

What is climate change?



Dry land, grass and water

Climate change is the change in climate patterns over a period of time. Some scientists believe that temperatures on Earth are rising, which can threaten ecosystems.

What causes climate change?

lumber yeard

Human activities, like the burning of fossil fuels and deforestation, can change the climate. When fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and natural gas, are burned, carbon monoxide is released into the air. Trees absorb the carbon monoxide and release oxygen, which is what people need to breathe.

When trees are cut down during deforestation, the natural barrier is lost that protects people from too much carbon monoxide being released into the air. Without trees to absorb carbon monoxide, it pollutes the air and water and increases the temperature of both.

How has climate change affected the planet?

Rising temperatures can cause more extreme and unpredictable weather and climate conditions. This impacts everything on Earth, from land and water to plant, animal, and human life. Click on each image to see some of the effects.

man pouring water on his head
really dry land
flooded street
Melting glaciers
Rising sea level