
Climate Types

What kinds of climates are typical of different biomes?



Earth from space

The climate of a biome refers to the specific weather patterns related to a particular region. Climate is the weather conditions of an area over a long period of time.

There are a variety of different climate types throughout the world. They can be narrowed into the following categories:

  • Tropical
  • Dry
  • Moderate
  • Continental
  • Polar

Map of the world, showing color zones

clicker Click image to enlarge.

Within those categories are subgroups. For example, a tropical climate can be tropical wet or tropical dry. What does that mean? Look at the chart below to compare different climates.

Tropical Wet Tropical Dry
• one season
• warm temperatures
• rain
• two seasons
• long dry (winter) season
• short wet (summer) season
• warm temperatures

To see the climate type for each biome, click on the different areas in the map below.