
Important People

Who were some important people you learned about in this course? Why do you think you learned about them? How did they impact our history during the time they lived?



The video below will review some of the important individuals you have learned about in this course.

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Let's look back through History's Photo Album of important people together. We will always look at photos starting with the left page.
Here are two Native Americans who played significant roles in history. Sitting Bull was a Sioux Tribe chief who led his tribe in the Battle of Little Bighorn. Crazy Horse, a Sioux chief, also fought alongside Sitting Bull. He is famous for defeating the U.S. in the Battle of the Rosebud together with the Cheyenne tribe.

How about European explorers? Many European explorers changed history. Here is a picture of Christopher Columbus, the Italian explorer. Columbus is known as being the first European to discover the American continent. Juan Rodriguez Cabrillo was a Spanish explorer who was the first European to find California. James Cook was an English explorer who discovered the Hawaiian Islands and Australia for England.

Here are four people who changed history in our country. This is Father Junipero Serra. He traveled from present-day Mexico to present day San Diego. He built the first mission in California. Here is Juan Ponce de Leon of Spain. He is the most famous explorer in Florida's history.

It would not be a Historical Photo Album without George Washington, the father of our country and first American president. Pennsylvania would not be a state without William Penn who founded the colony.

There are many famous women in history. Let's look at two of them on this page. Betsy Ross is known for sewing the first American flag, according to her grandsons. Deborah Sampson was a woman who disguised herself as a man so she could fight in the American Revolution. She was a great soldier.

Here are some important U.S. presidents. Thomas Jefferson was the main author of the Declaration of Independence. He was also the co-founder of the Democratic Party. Abraham Lincoln was the 16th American president. He signed the Emancipation Proclamation and led the Union to win the Civil War. Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the U.S. President during the Great Depression and World War II.

That was a look at some of history's great people.



Who is known as the first European to discover the American continent?

Leif Erikson