
European and American Explorers

Who were some of the first explorers to America?



Explorer looks through a telescope.

European and American explorers were eager to find new land and opportunities. Study the slides below to review some important explorers you learned about in this course.


Christopher Columbus was one of the first Europeans to explore the Americas.

Sieur Ren-Robert Cavelier La Salle

Robert Sieur de La Salle claimed the Mississippi River Basin and Louisiana for France.

La conquista del Colorado

Augusto Ferrer-Dalmau Nieto [CC BY-SA 4.0], via Wikimedia Commons

During the Coronado Expedition, Francisco Vazquez de Coronado explored the southwestern part of the U.S., which included the Grand Canyon.

Portrait of Meriwether Lewis.

Meriwether Lewis was an American explorer who was part of the first American expedition west of the Mississippi River.

William Clark-Charles Willson Peale

William Clark was an American explorer who was also a part of the first American expedition west of the Mississippi River.