
Exchanging money


Turn It In

woman writing notes

For this authentic assessment, write a conversation between a visitor in France and a local person. The visitor is asking about changing dollars into euros.

Write a short dialogue between a tourist and a local French person. The tourist needs to exchange dollars for euros.

Your dialogue should include...

  • A place to change money.
  • 2 money expressions introduced in this lesson.
  • An expression with avoir.
  • At least six sentences.

Your dialogue might look something like this:

La touriste: Excusez-moi. C’est combien pour deux crêpes?
L’homme français: Sept euros.
La touriste: Oh là là. J’ai faim mais j’ai besoin d’euros.
L’homme français: Voulez-vous un bureau de change ou un guichet automatique?
La touriste: Je préfère un bureau de change.
L’homme français: Il y a un bureau de change au centre-ville. C’est loin (far), mais il y a un guichet automatique à la banque ici. Avez-vous une carte de crédit?
La touriste: Oui, j’ai une carte de crédit.
L’homme français: Alors, allez au guichet automatique.
La touriste: D’accord. Je vous invite à boire un café après.
L’homme français: Merci. Je veux bien.

When you are satisfied that your dialogue meets all the requirements, submit it to your teacher in one document. Your work on this assignment will be graded using the rubric below.

Exceeds expectations Meets expectations Nearing expectations Does not meet expectations
Fluent use of high-frequency words with vocabulary from the lesson. Fluent use of high-frequency words with vocabulary from the lesson. 1-2 errors. Use of some high-frequency words and vocabulary for the lesson. 3-4 errors. Use of a translator. Multiple errors. Does not use high- frequency words to connect phrases.
Used at least 3 money phrases or expressions from the lesson and one expression with avoir. Used at least 2 money phrases or expressions from the lesson and one expression with avoir. Used at least 1 money phrase or expression from the lesson and one expression with avoir. Does not use money expressions from this lesson.
Six or more complete sentences. Fewer than six sentences. Fewer than four sentences. Three sentences or fewer.