
What numbers do you need to know to pay your bill?

You’ve learned the French numbers up 100, and these should be enough when you’re paying with euros and dollars. What happens when you pay with a currency where the numbers on the bills go much higher?

The CFA, used in most of West and Central African, is not worth nearly as much as a euro. In fact, 1 euro is equal to more than 600 CFA! Practice identifying numbers larger than 100 by matching the CFA bills below with their values in French.

To match items, click or tap an item in the left column and then click or tap its match in the right column. If you change your mind, make a different choice. Once you have matched all items, click "Check Answers" to see how you did. Click "Reset" to try again.
Great job!

You might feel very rich walking around with ten thousand CFA in your pocket, but you would only have about $16!

Use the table below to learn some useful expressions for talking about money and paying your bill. Read each French expression and try saying it aloud.




change (as in, Do you have change for a twenty?)

How much is it?


to cost

to pay

Review these vocabulary words and expressions in the flash cards below. Read aloud each sentence in French and determine its meaning. Then, click to check your answer.

La devise de l’Espagne est l’euro.

The currency of Spain is the euro.

C’est combien, l’addition?

The check, how much is it?

Je te dois dix euros. As-tu la monnaie pour vingt euros?

I owe you ten euros. Do you have change for twenty euros?

Je n’ai pas d’argent. Prenez-vous les cartes de crédit?

I don’t have any money. Do you take credit cards?

L’addition est cent-treize euros.

The check is one hundred thirteen euros.

Mille euros est beaucoup d’argent.

One thousand euros is a lot of money.

Mon grand-père me donne mille quatre cents euros pour mon anniversaire.

My grandfather gives me one thousand four hundred euros for my birthday.

If you are using a foreign currency, you’ll want to keep track of how much you are spending in dollars. If you have access to the internet, it’s easy to check the exchange rate each day.


Comment dit-on: I don’t have any change en français?

Je n’ai pas de monnaie.