Do you remember Gabrielle? She ordered the Steak Tartare, not knowing it would be raw meat. She and her friends have finished their meal and are ready to pay for it. Join them in the next passage as they request the check and pay their bill. Read and listen closely so that you are ready to answer questions afterward.
Gabrielle et ses amies finissent leurs repas. La nourriture est très bonne. Elles ne peuvent pas manger plus. Le serveur arrive et demande: Mesdames, prenez-vous un dessert?
Margaux regarde les autres jeunes femmes et elle dit: Je n’ai plus faim. Pas de dessert pour moi. Le serveur regarde les autres femmes et elles répondent: Non, Merci Margaux ajoute (adds): Nous voudrions l’addition s’il vous plait monsieur. Le serveur dit: D’accord (okay). J’arrive..
Les femmes attendent le serveur. Il arrive avec l’addition et il met (puts) l’addition sur la table. Lilou prend l’addition et la regarde (looks at it.) Margaux questionne: C’est combien? Lilou répond: Ça fait cent douze euros.
Margaux dit: Je n’ai pas d’argent. Donne-moi de l’argent et je paie avec ma carte de crédit. . Les autres filles disent: D’accord. Gabrielle prend de l’argent de son sac à main (handbag, purse) et met ça sur la table. Rapidement, Margaux annonce: Gabrielle, tu es notre invitée. Tu ne paies pas. C’est nous qui payons. Gabrielle commence à protester mais les autres filles affirment: C’est nous qui payons. L’invité ne paie pas. Gabrielle dit: Merci beaucoup.
Did you notice all the cognates in the passage above? Complete the matching activity below to check how well you were able to indentify them.
What cultural lesson does Gabrielle learn about being invited out to eat in France?
The person who invites you out to eat normally pays for you.
That’s right! If you invite someone out to a restaurant, the movies, or a club in France, they will assume that you are paying. Sometimes, the French, especially younger students, may make plans and pay a share of the bill when they go out. However, in most circumstances, if you invite others out, it is customary for you to pay the bill.
See how well you understood the passage about Gabrielle and her friends at the restaurant. For each statement below, write whether it is vrai (true) or faux (false)in the answer box. Make sure to check your answers at the end.
The food is good.
The girls have dessert.
The check is one hundred twelve euros.
Margaux wants to pay with her credit card.
Margaux takes Gabrielle’s money.
The other girls all pay for Gabrielle.
Un invité ne paie pas.
Your Responses | Sample Answers |
vrai | |
faux | |
vrai | |
vrai | |
faux | |
vrai | |
vrai |
Gabrielle has one more important cultural lesson to learn before she leaves the restaurant. Continue to the next page to find out what it is.
How do you say It’s I who am paying in French?
C’est moi qui paie.