
What’s the best way to describe something interesting and important?

Suppose Octavio wanted to show Linh that he had taken the time to learn about her culture and that he “got” why her family’s altar was so important to her. Since it’s important to him to express his thoughts and feelings accurately, Octavio might decide to put them into words in writing first, before talking to Linh about his new perspective on her family’s traditions. After all, Octavio was named after the famous Mexican poet, Octavio Paz, and he had tried his hand at poetry a couple of times already.

Cool looking young man looking at a tablet in front of some graffiti.

First, Octavio made a list of words representing the specific details he had learned about Vietnamese family altars and the customs that go with them.

  • incense
  • flower
  • oil lamp
  • photographs
  • bowl
  • fruits
  • jade
  • emperor
  • honor
  • ancestors
  • stories
  • celebration

Next, Octavio wove the words together into sentences. Use the slides below to see how he created a poem that expressed his understanding of the family altar and what it means.

Behind the thin smoke of the incense,
the flowers and the lamp,
photographs of loved ones lost.

One day, a bowl of fruits for
the Kitchen Gods, who might ask the Jade
Emperor to send them good luck.

Another day, a time to honor
and remember beloved ancestors
with incense, stories―a celebration.