
Summarize the heart of a story, starting with a list of details.

The poem that Octavio wrote summarized what he learned about Vietnamese traditions related to the family altar. However, it also expressed Octavio’s respect for the rituals that Linh’s family practiced. See if you can use details in a similar way, to sum up the story you read or heard earlier in this lesson.

A white stork, flying high with widely spread wings, on a partly cloudy blue sky background. A huge sweet striped watermelon on the vine.

Open a new Word document that you can use to complete all of the journal assignments in this module. Paste the prompt below at the top of the document, and label the entry with this lesson’s title. Then type a response to the prompt.

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Use this word list from “The Stork and the Watermelons” to write an unrhyming poem that communicates the message of the story by focusing on its details. To create your poem, use the process demonstrated on the previous page: Write three lines for each part of the poem, using the words in one of the columns for each set of lines.

  • fields
  • river
  • stork
  • wing
  • seeds
  • melon
  • gold
  • knife
  • stick
  • splint
  • hornets
  • drown

When you have written a complete and detailed answer to the journal prompt, save the file so that you can open it again for the next lesson with a journal assignment. (You will submit your journal to your teacher for grading twice during this module.)