
How do you say what day is it in French?


Did you know?

French speakers use the word quel to ask which or what. And the French word for day is jour. So how would you say what day in French?

Quel jour

If you want to ask on what day a certain event is, you use est, just like you do with he or she.

For example:

Quel jour est le SuperBowl? (What day is the SuperBowl?)

Quel jour est le concert? (What day is the concert?)

In the last lesson, you learned some vocabulary for emotions or feelings. In the next activity, you will use that vocabulary combined with this lesson’s new vocabulary. Amelie, a French student, had an interesting week. She decided to draw how she was feeling every day. Look closely at Amelie’s drawings and answer the questions that follow.

Amelie’s Emotional Week

Sunday is a happy face, Monday is a tired face, Wednesday is a nervous face, Thursday is a sad face

Quel jour est-ce qu’Amelie est fatiguée? (On what day is Amelie tired?)


Sunday is a happy face, Monday is a tired face, Wednesday is a nervous face, Thursday is a sad face

Quel jour est-ce qu’Amelie est nerveuse?


Sunday is a happy face, Monday is a tired face, Wednesday is a nervous face, Thursday is a sad face

Quel jour est-ce qu’elle est contente?


Sunday is a happy face, Monday is a tired face, Wednesday is a nervous face, Thursday is a sad face

Quel jour est-ce qu’elle est triste?


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Did you remember words like content, triste, and fatiguée? If you don’t use the vocabulary from previous lessons frequently, it is likely you will forget the old vocabulary. So, it’s great to do an activity that practices both old and new vocabulary words.