Radial balance revolves around a central axis where the design moves in a circular pattern. Lots of common objects, like sunflowers, car wheels, and snowflakes have radial designs.
Designs based on radial balance are somewhat similar to those that use symmetrical balance: they are generally orderly and repetitive, and one side may be much like the other. They can convey a greater sense of movement or energy than the other types of balance we have discussed. While they do not use a line of symmetry to repeat patterns, you can see the same pattern being repeated and rotated around a central point.
As you can see in this Tibetan Mandala, designers will often change up elements in a radial design to add visual tension and interest. They may vary the number, direction, or arrangement of the design’s parts. The circle may become less geometric and more irregularly shaped to create a visual diversion. Even with modifications, however, most radial designs tend to create a decorative effect. It can be divided many different ways to create two mirror images, but the use of color, lines, form, and repetition create a highly-engaging and sophisticated work of art.