Sasha loves to ride her skateboard, and she’s really good at it. Fearless, she does tricks and jumps that make more experienced skateboarders hesitate. Until today, she’s never had a serious injury. But this afternoon, she landed wrong, slipped, and badly sprained her ankle. The doctor says she can’t skateboard for six whole weeks!
Now, Sasha is mad. She tells her mother, “I take time to put on a helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, and gloves every time I ride! What’s the point of doing all that if I can still sprain my ankle? I might as well not even bother with all that stuff! This is so unfair!”
What do you think? Do you agree with Sasha? Why or why not?
In this lesson, you will learn ways to prevent injuries when you are being physically active. You will also learn a simple method for treating most minor injuries yourself.