
Are you taking risks with your health?

In previous lessons you learned about the health risks of violence and poor nutrition. But have you considered that physical activity itself could pose risks to your health or safety? For example, skateboarding without a helmet and pads is a safety risk. So is texting while walking the dog. Using a chainsaw to cut logs without ear protection is another one.

Choosing safety when you are physically active means

  • preparing your body for the activity,

  • having and using the right protective gear or safety equipment, and

  • following all safety guidelines specific to the activity.


Pablo has never gone rock climbing before, but he thinks it can’t be very hard. After all, he’s physically fit. He decides to go to a local cliff that he’s seen climbers on and give climbing a try. List as many ways as you can think of that Pablo is risking his health and safety.

Pablo may be physically fit, but without training he probably doesn’t have muscular strength and dexterity that he needs to safely climb. It’s unlikely Pablo has the protective gear and safety equipment he needs. Even if he had it, he doesn’t know how to use it. If he’s going to the cliff by himself, he clearly doesn’t know the first rule of climbing safety, which is to never climb alone.