
Paying attention to your diet is an important part of fitness.

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About Nutrition While Cycling

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Nutrition for Cyclists

Big Fat Lies

Nutrition is important to any cyclist who wants to get the most benefit from his or her ride. Eating right will help you increase and maintain your level of fitness. Food is important if you are going on a bike ride that will last over an hour. To prepare for a long ride, it is fine to load up on carbohydrates... but don’t increase your intake over 50% because it will be too difficult for your body to process it. Energy bars work great, too. Water and sports drinks are good. Your body needs four cups of water for every hour you exercise, so be sure to take a bottle of water and a sports drink on the trail with you. Drink the water during the trip and the sports drink after you have finished riding to replenish lost fluids and electrolytes.