
We are rewarded when we cycle for fitness.

The wind in your face, the scenery, the amazing workout. . . . biking is a wonderful way to cover ground. Bicycling is one of the best, easiest, and most popular forms of exercise there is! It is also one of the least expensive, because quality bicycle equipment lasts so long. It also provides the rider with aerobic exercise and helps tone muscles. The bicycle is very efficient, but cycling short distances won’t get you in shape. You’ll have to put forth some effort and sustain a training heart rate of 150–160 beats per minute if you want to improve your aerobic capacity. Click on the image below to see a sample cycling fitness workout program.

Advantages of Bicycling

  • One can ride a bicycle almost anywhere, at any time of the year.
  • There is a lower cost in maintaining a bike than an automobile.
  • Little or no time has to be lost, as bike travel can be used to get to work, perform errands, or enjoy the outdoors.
  • Commuting by bike reduces pollution that causes asthma and bronchitis.

Sample Workout Program

Directions: Ride the recommended number of days and time at your training heart rate; rest one day between rides.

Week 1 Ride 3 days x 15 minutes
Week 2 Ride 3 days x 20 minutes
Week 3 Ride 3 days x 25 minutes
Week 4 Ride 3 days x 30 minutes
Week 5 Ride 3 days x 35 minutes
Week 6 Ride 4 days x 30 minutes
Week 7 Ride 4 days x 35 minutes
Week 8 Ride 4 days x 40 minutes
Week 9 Ride 4 days x 45 minutes
Week 10 Ride 3–5 days x 40–60 minutes