The next major turning point in history we will examine is the birth of the Roman Empire. Even though Rome "fell," or lost its power, over 1,500 years ago, the impact of its 500-year civilization can still be seen today. Many languages, including French, Spanish, Italian, and parts of English, are based on Latin. Early Roman roads and water distribution systems continue to inspire modern civil engineers, and our understanding of law and civil justice owes much to this ancient culture.
Use this slideshow to find out when and where the Roman Empire existed. Also, examine details about turning points.
A Humble Beginning
In 320 BCE, Rome occupied just a small sliver of land off the west coast of modern-day Italy. Through conquest and innovation, this small republic would grow to become one of the most powerful and influential empires in all of history.
Advancing Knowledge
Rome was an extremely sophisticated society for its time. The Romans made significant advances in almost every area of civilization, such as planning efficient cities, promoting science and medicine, and recognizing the importance of education and justice.
Early Democracy
The Romans were also the first large civilization to turn the power of government over to the people. This early form of democracy was flawed (only a select few citizens could vote, for example), but it would lay the foundation for future republics such as France and the United States.
Imperial Conquest
Ancient Rome, however, was not a peaceful paradise. War generals like Julius Caesar spread the influence of Rome throughout the western world by conquering and taking over surrounding tribes and settlements.
All Roads Lead to Rome
As Rome used its massive army and superior technology to defeat surrounding cities and settlements, the power of its empire grew. At its peak in 117 AD, the Roman Empire covered all of Western Europe, and much of North Africa and Eastern Europe. The art, literature, architecture, religion, values, and government of Roman culture still strongly influence modern societies today.

How did ancient Romans influence the development of modern civilization?