

How does Japan relate to other countries?



Japan is an island country located in the eastern hemisphere.

High school student protest march against gun violence and for gun law reform.

Sea of Japan Map.png: Chris 73derivative work: Phoenix7777 [CC BY-SA 3.0], via Wikimedia Commons


What is Japan's relationship to the world?

Japan culture illustration

There are a few organizations that countries belong to which promote peace, friendship, trust, and cooperation. One of these is the United Nations (UN). The United Nations is an organization made up of countries from around the world.

United Nations Building in Geneva Switzerland

It was established after World War II. Countries in the UN work together to promote international cooperation, and they try to prevent conflicts. These countries also support environmental issues, public health, and economic growth.

Japan is a member of the UN and plays an active role in maintaining the peace and well-being among countries. The United States is Japan's number one ally. After a treaty was signed at the end of World War II, both countries have had a mutual agreement. They have a strong political, economic, and military relationship.

Shinzo Abe and Mike Pence shake hands

Japan has good relationships with other countries in the UN, too, especially European countries. The United Kingdom is another close ally to Japan.

But not all of Japan's relationships are good: China and South Korea's relationships with Japan have been both good and bad. These countries believe Japan has not taken full responsibility for its actions during World War II, which has put a strain on their relationships. There is also conflict between Japan and Russia over land and territories. Japan is making efforts to strengthen these relationships. There needs to be mutual trust, understanding, and equality between countries for them to have good relations.

Japan is likely to be a strong economic power for many years to come because of its relationships with other countries around the world.

Grouping of various flags of the world on white