Magazine Cover Assignment
What is the main idea of the magazine?
Well done! Your proposal has been approved by the editors!
It is time to move on to the creation of the magazine cover.
Here are some tips to help you as you work:
- You may not use more than four images, but you may use less than four if you choose.
- You may or may not decide to include text. Remember that this magazine will have articles about all nine topics covered in the lesson. It is important to relay the broad range of topics that this magazine will cover. If you decide to use just one image, and no text, you want that image to encompass the main idea of this magazine.
- You may draw your magazine cover, use images cut out from newspapers and magazines, or paste images in from the internet. If you choose to use images from a source other than you, please be sure you are allowed to use those images.
- Be neat! If you are in line at the check-out counter of a grocery store, you are going to pick up the magazine that is neat, interesting, and easy to understand.
- Follow the points on the rubric (found earlier in the lesson) as you create your magazine cover.
- Good luck!
When you're finished, submit your completed magazine cover to your teacher for a grade.