
Bodies of Water

What are some of the lakes and oceans located in and around the U.S.?



Aerial view of commercial fishing boat coming into port.

Next stop on the tour is at some of the great bodies of water located in and around the U.S.

Do you notice anything about the states colored red and green on this map?

map of the US

All of these states touch some body of water. The states in red touch an ocean, and the states in green touch a major lake.

Atlantic Ocean

Fifteen U.S. states are located on the coast of the Atlantic Ocean.

Eastern Seaboard

The Atlantic Ocean borders the eastern coast of the United States. It is the second largest ocean in the world.

Detailed map of North America

clicker Click image to enlarge.

Pacific Ocean

Five states border the Pacific Ocean.

map of the west coast

The Pacific Ocean borders the western coast of the United States. It is the largest ocean in the world.

Detailed map of North America

clicker Click image to enlarge.

Gulf of Mexico

Five states are on the Gulf of Mexico.

map of the gulf of Mexico

The Gulf of Mexico borders the western side of Florida and the southern states of Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama. The Gulf of Mexico is an ocean basin off the Atlantic Ocean. An ocean basin is where sediment builds up underwater near where tectonic plates meet. The Mississippi River empties into the Gulf of Mexico.

Detailed map of the Gulf of Mexico

clicker Click image to enlarge.

Great Lakes

Eight states touch one or more of the Great Lakes.

map of the great lakes

Five lakes make up the Great Lakes.

Detailed map of the Great Lakes

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Lake Superior, Lake Michigan, Lake Huron, Lake Erie, and Lake Ontario make up the Great Lakes If you combined all of the Great Lakes together, it would be the largest fresh water source in the world. The Great Lakes supplies millions of people with fresh water.