Historical Documents Mini Book
What does your state seal look like?

You will finish creating your Historical Documents mini book in this lesson.
- On the plain white side of an index card, draw your best version of the Great Seal of the United States. On the back of this card, write three facts about the U.S. Great Seal.
- On the plain white side of an index card, draw your best version of your state seal. On the back of this card, write three facts about it.
- Put these cards with the others from this module. Either clip them together with a binder clip or punch holes in the corners of the new cards and add them to the ring.
When you are finished, submit your assignment to your teacher with your Weekly Written Work.
You will be graded using this rubric.
4 points |
3 points |
2 points |
1 point |
You completed your Social Studies work. |
Most of your Social Studies work is complete. |
Some of your Social Studies work is incomplete. |
Most of your Social Studies work is incomplete. |
Your work is done correctly. |
Most of your Social Studies work is done correctly. |
Some of your Social Studies work is done incorrectly. |
Most of your Social Studies work is done incorrectly. |
Your work is neat and tidy. |
Your work is mostly neat and tidy. |
Some of your work is neat and tidy. |
Most of your work is not neat and tidy. |
You put your best effort into your Social Studies work. |
You put a good effort into your Social Studies work. |
You put some effort into your Social Studies work. |
You put little effort into your Social Studies work. |