
Name That Country

People move to America from all over the world. As a result, many of the foods you eat, clothes you wear, and manners you use are from another country. Can you name the country?



Watch the video below to play the “Guess What Country Game” to find out.

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Name That Country

America is a unique country. We play American football, measure with our own system, and eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. But some of our other foods and dress originally came from other countries.

Let's play a game to see if you can name that country! Before the saying, “As American as Apple Pie” which country first made apple pie? Name that country! (pause)

Apple pie originally came from England.

Where did the hot dog originate?

Name that country! (pause)

In Germany! The Germans created various sausages and eventually the hot dog.

Where did Americans get donuts from?

Name that country! (pause)

The Netherlands! The Dutch made oil cakes or fried cakes and Americans took the idea and made donuts.

Now, let's look at dress. Which country did these berets come to us from?

Name that country! (pause)

France! Berets came from France.

How about the karate gi these kids are wearing during karate class?

Name that country! (pause)

Japan! America got karate from Japan.

How about pajamas? Where did Americans get pajamas from?

Name that country! (pause)


Pajamas is a Hindi word for the loose pants that are part of traditional Indian clothing. The loose clothes we wear to bed are named pajamas after these.

Thanks for playing, Name That Country!



What country gave us hot dogs?
