
Challenge Time!

What numbers are missing?



Mystery box isometric icon. Clipart image isolated on white background.

Oh no! Some of the numbers from the problem below are missing. Click through the slides to see an example of how to solve a mystery numbers problem.

Consider the problem...

Four hundred twenty didvided by (?) minus 30 equalsone hundred twenty minus one hundred twenty equals zero; the quotient is twenty (?).

Use Your Clues

By using the numbers, you have, you can find what is missing. Start by looking at the 2 in the quotient. You can see that the 2 is multiplied by something to get the 30 that is subtracted from the dividend.

Think 2 x ____ = 30

Using your multiplication skills, you know that 2 x 15 = 30. The missing divisor is 15.

Four hundred twenty didvided by fifteen minus 30 equalsone hundred twenty minus one hundred twenty equals zero; the quotient is twenty (?).

Keep Going

Now that you know the divisor is 15, you can solve for the missing digit in the quotient. You can see that after you bring down your 0, you are dividing the number 120. Now you can solve 120 ÷ 15, which equals 8.

The missing digit in the quotient is 8.

Four hundred twenty didvided by fifteen minus 30 equalsone hundred twenty minus one hundred twenty equals zero; the quotient is twenty eight.

The mystery is solved!

Use your understanding of multi-digit division equations to solve the activity below by determining the missing digits. When ready, click each tab to reveal the solution.

Eight hundred (?) five divided by forty (?); the quotient is nineteen.
Six hundred ninety (?) divided by twenty nine; the quotient is (?) four.

Click the image below.