

What happens when a divisor has two digits?



Now that you know how to divide by one-digit numbers, you can move on to dividing by two-digit numbers. The process is more involved than it is for dividing by a one-digit number, but it still follows many of the same steps. 
Watch this video to see how to divide by two-digit numbers.

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Two-Digit Number Multiplication

In this video, we are going to complete division problems that have two-digit divisors.

546 ÷ 13

We set up. The dividend still goes on the inside, and the divisor still goes on the outside. We make our seats on top. We follow the same steps: divide, multiply, subtract, bring down. 13 does not fit into 5. How many times does 13 fit into 54? The multiples of 13 are 13, 26, 39, 52, 65, 78. Since 54 is not a multiple of 13, we know that 13 does not fit in 54 a whole number of times. If we look at the multiples, 65 would be too big. This means 13 fits into 54 four times. Now we multiply. 4 x 13 = 52. Now we subtract. 54 - 52 = 2. We bring down. We start back at dividing. 13 fits into 26 two times. We multiply. 2 x 13 = 26. We subtract. We know we are done because we have a 0 and nothing else to bring down. The quotient of 546 ÷ 13 is 42.

657 ÷ 13

13 does not fit into 6. 13 fits into 65 five times. 5 x 13 = 65. We subtract. 65 - 65 = 0. Now we bring down the 7. 13 does not fit into 7. We fill a 0 in our quotient. 0 x 13 = 0. 7 - 0 would be 7. We have nothing else to bring down. This 7 is our remainder. Our quotient is 50 R7. The quotient of 657 ÷ 13 is 50 R7.

What are the four steps to solving a division problem?