
Let's get your first website live!

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Turn it in!

Now that you have a live web space and know how to add links, you are going to create a news homepage that links out to your Online News Article project!

News Heading
  1. Create a webpage that displays a name for your news website and includes a short introduction to your news article and a link to your news article HTML file.
    • You should also have a way to get back to the news hub from your article, so be sure to update your article's HTML file to include a link back to the hub page. The links to and from the article should be opened in the same window.
  2. You will need include a link to a downloadable version of the news article in PDF format.
    • To create a PDF file out of your article, preview the article in your browser and bring up the print dialog. Do this by right-clicking and selecting the "Print" menu option or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+P (PC) or Command+P (Mac).
    • In the print dialog, set your printer or print destination to "Save as PDF." This will allow you to save a PDF version of your webpage.
    • Create a "documents" folder in this project's folder that you created earlier.
    • Place the PDF file of your article in this documents folder, then update your repository on GitHub with the new folder and document. (The link to this file on your new webpage should open in a new window.)
  3. Finally, you should include a link to an external news source.
    • For example, you can link to an external website that is covering an election or the extended forecast for your area or local traffic conditions. Also, create a header and description to introduce this external news source. As this is an external source, this link should open in a new window.

When you are finished, make sure all your files are up and working on your GitHub account. Submit your news hub's URL to your teacher to complete the assignment. Be sure your project functions live on GitHub and contains all the following before submitting your URL:

  • All HTML files should have a basic HTML document structure, including a title.
  • Display your news website's name at the top of the homepage.
  • Include an introduction to your news article and link to it in the same window.
  • Your news article webpage should have a link back to the homepage, also opening in the same window.
  • Include a link to a PDF version of your news article that opens in a new window.
  • Include a header, description, and link to an external news source that opens in a new window.
  • All of this content should be live and located on your GitHub account.

You will be graded using the following rubric:

Expert Strong Beginning
HTML structure
All HTML files have a correct and neat HTML document structure, including a title. All HTML files have a mostly correct and neat HTML document structure, including a title. All HTML files have a somewhat correct but not neat HTML document structure, including a title.
Website Header
Student displayed the website name at the top of the homepage creatively and neatly. Student displayed the website name at the top of the homepage somewhat creatively and neatly. Student did not display the website name at the top of the homepage.
News article
Student included an introduction to the news article and linked to it in the same window. Student included an introduction to the news article but did not link to it in the same window. Student did not include an introduction.
Student included a link back to the homepage, also opening in the same window and using relative links. Student included a link back to the homepage, but not using relative links. Student did not include any navigation.
Student included a link to a PDF version of the news article that opens in a new window. Student included a link to a PDF version of the news article that opens in the same window. Student did not include a link to a PDF version of the news article.
External News Source
Student included a header, description, and link to an external news source that opens in a new window. Student included a header, description, and link to an external news source that opens in the same window. Student did not include required external news source.
Live URL
Student made URL live on GitHub. Student submitted a live URL, but not using the recommended GitHub account. Student did not submit a live URL.