
How well do you understand the concepts and skills introduced in this lesson?

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Are you ready to take this lesson's quiz? These questions will help you find out. Make sure you understand why each correct answer is correct--if you don't, review that part of the lesson.

Which functional group is shown in the molecule below?

A carbon atom double bonded to an oxygen atom.

  1. carbonyl
  2. carboxyl
  3. hydroxyl
  4. ester

What elements are present in an aldehyde?

  1. C, H, O
  2. C, H, F
  3. C, Br, F
  4. C, H, Cl

Which group of molecules contains a terminal double bonded oxygen atom at the end of the carbon chain?

  1. aldehyde
  2. ketone
  3. alcohol
  4. ester

What is a functional group?

  1. a group of atoms that gives a molecule specific characteristics and properties
  2. a group of atoms of one type
  3. the oxygen atoms in an organic molecule
  4. a group of molecules with the same molecular formula

Which of the following statements is not true concerning the functional group of alcohols.

  1. Because all alcohols contain a hydroxyl group, they will all exhibit a similar set of properties.
  2. Alcohols have the same molecular formula.
  3. Alcohols tend to be more polar than the related parent hydrocarbon molecule.
  4. Alcohol molecules have higher boiling points than the related parent hydrocarbon molecule.


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