
What are all the conjugations of venir?


Let's have a look...

Verbe aller au présent
je vais nous allons
tu vas vous allez
il va ils vont

Do you remember learning the verb aller, to go? What do je vais and elle va mean?

je vais (I go)
elle va (she goes)

Every verb has different conjugations, or forms, for each subject. Venir, like aller, also changes with each subject. In this lesson, you will focus mainly on the forms of venir that go with I, you, he or she (je, tu, il, ou elle), there are six different conjugations (forms) that you will use eventually. They are shown in the chart below.
Je viens I come, I am coming
Tu viens You come, You are coming (singular)
Il vient He comes, He is coming
Elle vient She comes, She is coming
Nous venons We come, We are coming
Vous venez You come, You are coming (plural)
Ils viennent They come/They are coming (male group or mixed group)
Elles viennent They come/They are coming (female group)

Now, see if you can match the forms of venir with their English equivalents.

To match items, click or tap an item in the left column and then click or tap its match in the right column. If you change your mind, make a different choice. Once you have matched all items, click "Check Answers" to see how you did. Click "Reset" to try again.
Great job!

Now, try matching the conjugation of venir with the correct subject in the activity below.

Word Bank

  • venez
  • viens
  • viennent
  • venons
  • vient






You should now be able to recognize the different forms of venir when you see them in later lessons.

Continue to the next page to review the high-frequency words you learned in previous lessons and prepare to read another story in French.


What form of venir goes with Elles?
