
Using a compass and straightedge, you will construct a line perpendicular to a point on a line.

Two lines are perpendicular if and only if they form right angles at their point of intersection. Step-by-step directions for constructing a line perpendicular to a segment are described below. Try using your compass and straightedge to construct the angle as you follow along with the directions.

Start with a line and point K on that line.

Set the compass's width to a medium setting. The actual width does not matter.

Without changing the compass's width, mark a short arc on the line at each side of the point K, forming the points P and Q. These two points are the same distance from K because you did not change the width of the compass.

Increase the compass to almost double the width (the exact setting is not important).

From P, mark off a short arc above K

Without changing the compass's width, repeat from the point Q so that the two arcs cross each other, creating the point R

Using the straight edge, draw a line from K to where the arcs cross.

To see an animation of the construction, click the play button below. This animation does not include audio - it only shows each step as it occurs in the correct order.