
Using a compass and straightedge, you will construct a 30 degree angle.

Directions for constructing a 30° angle are described below, step by step. Try using your compass and straightedge to construct the angle as you follow along with the directions.

Draw a line segment of any length, PQ. P will be the angle's vertex. This segment will become one side of the angle.

Set the compass tip on P, and set its width to any convenient setting.

Draw an arc across segment PQ and up over above the point P. Label the point where it crosses segment PQ as point S.

Without changing the compass's width, move the compass to the point S. Draw a broad arc that crosses the first one and goes well to the right. Label the point where the two arcs cross as point T.

Without changing the compass's width, move the compass to point T, and draw an arc across the previous arc, creating point R.

Draw a line from P to R.

Done. The angle QPR has a measure of 30°

To see an animation of the construction, click the play button below. This animation does not include audio - it only shows each step as it occurs in the correct order.