
Their Contributions

What contributions did Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea make to America?



Think of a time when you visited a new museum, a new park, a new city or town. Think about this new place where you've never been before. Now, imagine a world full of rivers, lakes, mountains, plains, animals, and native people that have never been discovered. You and some friends are tasked with becoming explorers and discovering all of these new and wonderful things! That is exactly what Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea did.

Lewis and Clark are names you will hear when you learn about our American history. They would not have been successful without the help of a lot of friends and strangers. Learning about explorers helps you see how people discovered new places, plants, animals, and cultures through bravery and teamwork. Click through the slides to learn what their journey looked like.


What contributions did Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea make to America?

Lewis and Clark brought back detailed maps of the West. They also made notes about what natural resources were there as well. Without Sacagawea’s communication, Lewis and Clark would not have been able to contribute nearly as much. They also learned a lot about the Native American tribes in the West as well.