
Westward Expansion Practice

Do you know who made that contribution?



Lewis and Clark's expedition was to help people understand what lies between the Mississippi River and the Pacific Ocean. They were key explorers in the beginning of the Westward Expansion of the United States.

Today, you can visit the actual Lewis and Clark Trail in Washington state and hike their real trail from the Missouri River to the Pacific Ocean!

painting of Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea

Read each statement or question below and pick the best answer.

Who assisted in the expedition as a translator as they explored the western lands? Her face is featured on the one-dollar coin.

One-dollar coin

  1. Meriwether Lewis
  2. William Clark
  3. Sacagawea

Who was sent by President Thomas Jefferson to explore the land in America? Select two.

Portraits of Lewis and Clark

  1. Meriwether Lewis
  2. William Clark
  3. Christopher Columbus
  4. Marco Polo

Where did the Lewis and Clark Expedition begin?

Map of Lewis and Clark expedition

  1. Charlottesville, Virginia
  2. Washington, D.C.
  3. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
  4. St. Louis, Missouri

Where were Meriwether Lewis and William Clark from?

Portraits of Lewis and Clark

  1. America
  2. Europe
  3. Asia
  4. Spain

What did Lewis, Clark, and Sacagawea contribute to America? Select all that apply.

  1. detailed maps of the West
  2. a list of new plants and animals
  3. details about Native American tribes
  4. notes on mountains, rivers, and land


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