
Goal Setting and Active Lifestyle Introduction




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How can I set goals to help me improve my health?

Watch the videos below to learn more about the benefits of physical activity and how to set goals to improve your health.

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Have you ever tried something new?

For example, have you tried a new food before? Or have you played a new sport?

Trying new things is an important part of growing up.

Sometimes we do not like the new thing. But other times we discover that we love it.

This week, challenge yourself to try something new that will improve your health. This is called setting a goal.

A goal is something that you work to achieve.

There are four steps to setting a goal:
  1. Write down your goal.
  2. Take action.
  3. Get support.
  4. Track your progress.

1. Write down your goal.

First, you need to decide what you would like to achieve.

For your assignment this week, you need to choose something that will help improve your health.

When choosing a goal, be sure it is not something you are already doing.

You want it to be something that requires you to work. Try to make sure it is not “too easy” or “too hard.”

Here are some ideas for a personal health goal:
  • Eat 5+ fruits and vegetables each day.
  • Brush and floss your teeth 2 times a day.
  • Drink more water.
  • Eat a healthy snack every day.
  • Exercise every day.
  • Eat a healthy breakfast each morning.
  • Wear your helmet every time you ride your bike or scooter.
  • Don’t fight with your brother or sister.
  • Obey your parents the first time they ask.

2. Take action.

After you choose which goal you want to achieve, you are ready to take action!

This means you figure out how to achieve your goal. You can think of this step as your “to do” guide.

Examples of how to take action to reach your goal:

Goal: Eat a healthy breakfast each morning.
Action: Decide what you will eat for breakfast the night before.
Action: Wake up 5 min. early to make sure you have time to eat a healthy breakfast.

Goal: Wear your helmet every time you ride your bike.
Action: Put your bike helmet on top of your bike so it reminds you to put it on.
Action: Stick a note on your bike that says “HELMET” to remind you.

Goal: Exercise every day.
Action: After dinner, take a walk with your family.
Action: Join a sports team and practice right when you get home from school.

Goal: Don’t fight with your brother or sister.
Action: Use kind words when talking to your brother or sister.
Action: If your brother or sister does something to annoy you, choose to forgive them quickly.

Goal: Drink more water.
Action: Take a water bottle to school and take little sips throughout the day.
Action: Drink water with every meal instead of juice or soda pop.

3. Get support.

Your friends and family can help you achieve your goal. This is called support.

They can support you by reminding you of your goal.

For example, if you tell your friends that you set a goal to wear your helmet when you ride your bike with them, they can remind you to put it on.

You can also have your friends and family support you by joining you in trying to achieve the same goal!

It is easier to achieve a goal if your family and friends are making the same healthy choice.

For example, your whole family can work to improve their health by exercising every day.

Then after dinner you can make it a routine to go for a walk together.

4. Track your progress.

This means to keep a record of which days you do your goal.

This helps you to see how you are getting better and better.

Here is a sample of how Ryan tracked his progress.

Goal: Eat a healthy snack every day.

See how the first week, he missed two days, but then the second week he only missed one day.

The chart helps him see that he is getting better.

He can also see a pattern. He missed both Tuesdays. This is because he has soccer right after school so he doesn’t have much time.

So for next week, he is going to pack a healthy snack the night before so he can grab it and go.

5. Review.

Did you achieve your goal? If not, ask yourself why. Then, decide what you will do next.

If you achieved your goal, set a new, harder goal.

The best part of setting goals is when you ACHIEVE them!

Reaching your goal, not only will help improve your health, but you will feel proud of yourself.

You have the greatest chances of reaching your goal if you follow these steps:
  1. Write your goal down.
  2. Take action.
  3. Get support.
  4. Track your progress.
  5. Review.

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Moving your body is fun!

When you move your body a lot, it means you are staying active.

It is important to be active while you’re a kid. It is also important to be active when you’re older.

You should try to be active your whole life.

Being a kid is fun! You have a lot of chances to move throughout the day.

As you get older, you might find it harder to find ways to be active. Learning to be active now will help you later.

Here are some ideas to help you be active outside of P.E. class:
  • Ride a bike.
  • Practice cartwheels and somersaults.
  • Dance to music.
  • Play tag with your friends.
  • Play on a sports team.
  • Climb on the play ground.
  • Go swimming.
  • Practice balancing on one foot.
  • Jump rope.
  • Help your parents in the yard.

Don’t be afraid to try something new.

It is fun to try new things. You might even find a new favorite activity.

You can encourage your friends and family to be active with you.

But the most important thing is for you to keep moving!


Why should you not be afraid to try something new?

You may find an activity that becomes your new favorite!