
Introduction to Social Studies

What will you learn about this year in social studies?



This is going to be a wonderful year of social studies. You will be so excited about the things you will learn. Click each image below to see what you will learn.

globe of the earth on a blue background

Geography – The study of maps and places on Earth.

A piece of old parchment paper with the ends rolled with cursive writing accompanied by a quill feathered pen with ink on the tip.

History – The study of life in the past.

a tree with many branches each branch has a different colored hand on the end.

Character Education – The study of how we work and play together.

a historic building with four large pillars with 2 tall wooden doors with gold door knobs.

Government – The study of rules and what it means to be a leader.

2 stacks of gold coins, along with two stacks of paper bills

Economics – The study of how money is used for buying and selling.

We will learn so much this year in social studies!