
Topics in Social Studies

What is social studies all about?



There are five areas of social studies that we will study this year. Every area has special things to talk about. Click each social studies topic icon to learn more about each one.


History is the study of life in our past.

The United States of America with all 50 states with small pics of animals, plants and what each state is famous for. The flag of the United States of America, 50 white stars, 13 stripes that alternate red and white

We will learn about the history of the United States and how our country has changed over time.

A group of people from all over the world wearing clothes each from their own culture standing in front of the globe on a blue background.
Children being supervised by a parent or guardian, safely playing with sparklers, wearing clothing from their culture and region of the world.

We will learn about different traditions and cultures. We will also learn about holidays and celebrations.

President George Washington and President Abraham Lincoln standing with smiling children waving flags, with confetti in the air.

There are many people in the past that you will study. Some of these people will be Ruby Bridges, George Washington, and Amelia Earhart.


Geography is the study of maps and places on Earth.

Children gathered around an giant book, looking at a map of the entire world spread over 2 pages.

Reading a map to figure out where we want to go can be so much fun. We will learn about directions and how to make our own maps, too.

What is the difference between a natural landmark and a landmark made by people? You will learn all about that very soon.

A picture of the Statue of Liberty and the Grand Canyon, great landmarks in the United States of America.
Two children smiling, holding an large yellow umbrella, while it is raining outside.
A picture of a dock and a calm lake with lilly pads. There are large hills off in the distance.

Do you love the rain? We will study the weather. We will learn more about lakes and rivers.


Economics is the study of money and how it is used for buying and selling.

An outdoor candy stand with many children looking at the candy. Once girl is purchasing candy.

We will learn about how money is used for goods and services in the marketplace.

We will find out what supply and demand mean. We will learn how we spend more or less money on things.

Three bags filled with toys. One large orange bag has a robot and a game controller. Second a blue bag with a teddy bear, and third a pink bag with a dinosaur. There is also a rubber duck and a model rocket.

Three children gathered around the television while playing with toys watching a commerical for fruity rainbow unicorn loops cereal.

Do you like commercials? Advertising makes you want to buy things. We will learn how that works, too.

Character Education

Character Education is the study of how we work and play together.

We will learn what it takes to be responsible and helpful.

A boy being responsible by taking care of his happy brown puppy.

Two children with their school bags, books, waiving, and smiling because they are happy to see each other.

We will learn how to be respectful to others. We will also learn how to show kindness and compassion.

Ten children all standing next to each other, happy and smiling with there arms over each other shoulders.

We will learn how to make good choices. We will find ways to solve problems together. Do you know the Golden Rule? We will learn about it together!


Government is the study of rules and what it means to be a leader.

We will learn about rules and laws. We will also learn about voting! We will find out what we use taxes for in our community.

Five children putting their paper votes into a red voting box.

The Statue of Liberty and the Liberty Bell next to each other.

Do you know symbols of the United States? We will learn about the Liberty Bell, Bald Eagles, the Statue of Liberty, and more.

Many different helpers from the community.

A police officer, nurse, soldier, teacher, flight attendant, religous leader, fire fighter, doctor, chef, reporter, mail carrier and a farmer.

Who are the helpers in your community? We will learn how the government helps our community.