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What will we be learning about this year?



Social studies helps us to learn more about the world we live in. We will learn about people and places. We will learn about how money works and our government.

Watch the video to find out what we will be learning in social studies.

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Welcome to Mrs. Peacock’s classroom. It’s the first day of school, and you might be a little nervous. That’s ok! Come on in, and hear about what we will be learning this year.

Mrs. Peacock asks the students, “What we will be learning this year?”

Skylar says her big sister told her about many of the people in American history. Skylar is most excited to learn about Amelia Earhart because, just like Amelia, she likes adventures.

Alex raises his hand and asks if they will learn about maps. Alex really, really likes maps!

Mrs. Peacock nods her head and shows the class her big room map and the globe. Look at all the different-colored countries on the globe!

Frankie wonders if the students will learn about money. Frankie is saving up for a new bike and wants to get ideas for how to earn money.

The students think this is a great idea! Mrs. Peacock tells the class that, yes, they will learn about money--but in a different way. The students will learn about the goods and services we use every day.

David and Nicole suddenly interrupt the class. They are having an argument. Mrs. Peacock takes charge of the situation.

She explains to the class that it is important for students to treat each other with kindness and respect. This is called character education.

Michael raises his hand and asks if he can learn how to become a congressman in the U.S. government.

Mrs. Peacock smiles. She explains that the students will learn many things about the U.S. government—but Michael might be a bit too young to become a congressman just yet.

The students are excited to begin learning. It’s time for us to let Mrs. Peacock and her students settle into their learning routine. Don’t worry—we will check in with the 1st-grade students throughout the year to see what BIG IDEAS they are learning about!



What will we learn in social studies?

We will learn about people in American history, maps and the globe, goods and services, character education, and the government.